An email from a Spanish coloring course student

It still blows my mind that so many people are learning how to color comics in my course. Over sixty countries are represented now! I received this email today from one of my newest students: 

"My name is [XXXXXX] and I recently purchased your course. I'm a Spanish architect, and I don't know why, all of a sudden I find myself enrolled in the comic world. I've been asked to learn the ropes of colouring comics with Photoshop in order to take some projects.

Even though I knew many things about Photoshop because of my job (well, here in Spain there´s no job for an architect), I wanted to learn from a professional. I just wanted to thank you because of your great effort to make every lesson understandable.

You see, I'm Spanish and I almost understand everything! I want to let you know that you'll be hearing from me, at the moment I'm browsing the course to catch the overall idea, but I'm going to get down to work very soon and I'll be needing your advice in the forum section."

So cool!